The main purpose of our service, is to evaluate and propose improvement solutions, regarding the more important aspects of the companies, ending in the financial information used in a safer manner by the senior management in the decision making, as well as to be used by investors, credit institutions and other interested parties.
Our service includes the evaluation of business risks, processes and transactions in accordance with the characteristics of each company.
Our mission as auditors will always be to provide a comprehensive service that includes the solution of risks that allows the company to get better business opportunities.
Our main services include, among others:
- Financial statements audit.
- Issuance of opinions for tax purposes.
- Issuance of opinions for Social Security purposes.
- Issuance of opinions for the National Workers Housing Fund Institute (INFONAVIT) purposes.
- Audit for the purchase and sale of companies.
- Review and design of internal control systems.
- Review of specific items of financial statements.
- Accounting expert´s analysis.